Sunday, March 21, 2010

a bad day

this may be a selfish poem, but thats what im feeling at the moment
the entry may be mock at but I won't be bothered by that
Every night I sleep on the bed, all mornings I wake up with a backache
the place is always dusty, dont have the mood to keep it unmessy
Every month I want to spend a lil bit, circumstances force me to have only enough to eat
try to make everyone happy, end up deemed im wrong in the responsibility
Make the decisions I ought to make, doesnt satisfy, not a piece of cake
the decisions seem to cause hurt, how did they do that, sometimes I'm not sure
I have to listen from all sides, is difficult but I just have to abide
I sometimes call this life unfair, but history has told me not to say but bear
For people wil deem that you dont care
Who cares for me I know, but everytime she will be hurt the most
Sometimes i wish something non-critical will happen to me, really want to see if everything will be what's in the movie?
Here I'm looking at the sunset,
not sure after today what will I get
