Sunday, December 27, 2009

End Of Year 2009

last year around this time, Denise and I made quite a few resolutions, wrote it on a piece of A3 paper, put it into a plastic sleeve and stick it on the wall. Felt that was only a while ago.
a while = another year.
what does a new year signifies. some say its just another day, another week, another year. nothing is going to change. I would think otherwise. Even though it is really just another day, a new year is a milestone for us to reflect what have we done, what we have accomplished, what have happened and what's planned for the future.
highlights for the year 2009 included:
- Better savings plan
- Active in personal goals
- Nominated as best professional in my company
- Completed toastmasters
- Travel plans with Denise --> Phuket, Thredbo
- Cherry Picking @ Young with Mum
- Moving into Randwick
- Us supporting each other
Plans for the year 2010 ahead:
- continue the savings plans
- achieved some of our personal goals
- participate actively @ work, improve client relationship. Game On.
- seek to improve constantly including networking skills
- seek to motivate others and provide answers, not looking for answers from others
- travel plans including Western Australia, Tasmania, Cairns and New Zealand
- Us supporting each other
this will keep me on track for 2010 and let this list be the starting point of a great 2010
"is never too late unless you worked on it now"