Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Had a dream yesterday. Dreamt that I skydived with someone that looks like Richard Branson.

The feeling was pretty awesome though. I still remember, even though it was tandem, I was not attached to him. He just held me on and I carried the parachute bag in the front with the “string” sticking out of the zip. Landed at Genting (wonder the reason) and the next thing I hear is my alarm. Geez.

Lets check the dream dictionary


To dream that you are skydiving, represents your high ideals. Sometimes you may need to compromise these ideals and be more realistic of your expectations.

To see a bag in your dream, represents the responsibilities that you carry. If the bag is ripped or torn, then it indicates that you are carrying a lot of burden.

Hmmm… something for thought. How about a bag that got ripped apart due to the parachute and landed safely. Is it a good sign?

Denise's thoughts

Perhaps more like the below...?
You know you have something to depend on... that protects you from the responsibilities you're holding on to. and u know at a "pull of the string" your support is there unwavering by your side. =)

Parachute To dream that you are in a parachute, represents a protective force over you. You have a sense of security. Alternatively, the dream implies that it is time to bail out of a situation or abandon an old idea or habit.
