is Denise's big day again! 12th of Feb. and this year, this special day coincides with Chinese New Year and Valentines Day which make it extra extra special.
Plans for this day includes visiting the Western Plains Dubbo Zoo. A good 6 hour solid drive. The birthday girl didnt want to catch some sleep before set off and we did, according to the bday's girl request, set off at 2.30am in the morning, hoping to get there by 9am so that we could have a full day @ the zoo. Good and Bad choice.
Bad choice. Blue Mountains drive was dangerous. Hilly Road + very very poor visibility due to the fog. Visibility was about only less than 10 metres. I could only look at the reflective lights at the centre of the road and drive accordingly. Dangerous moments when you suddenly get 2 huge head lights and a heavy truck, sometimes a B-Double zooming past you in the opposite direction.
Good choice. Once pass the mountains. The scene was breathtaking from Orange to Bathurst to Dubbo. Sunrise + Greenery + Fog. Makes you feel like you are in heaven. I love driving and these are the factors that encourages me to drive. Although after 4 hours of drive, I've gotta pass the task to Denise to finish the leg for me to catch some sleep for the long hot day at Dubbo Zoo.
weather was hot. very hot. both of us got sunburnt cycling around the zoo. We got a good deal @ the zoo and got a "complimentary" entry based on "everything happens for a reason". Rented 2 bikes and ask for the daily programs with "no questions asked". lets move on to explore.
Cycling around the zoo was a good experience. Other than that, with the weather so hot, hardly any animals were active. In the end, at around 3+, we seemed to be only ones cycling round the zoo, singing out loud with only the animals listening to us. Overall experience, average but the weather played a huge part. and also the bicycles. haha. some trouble at the start when we did not realise how to operate the brakes.
went back to the hotel and got take-away vietnamese at Dubbo. Seriously, Dubbo, as they say, has nothing but the zoo and hog's breath. haha. still wondering why a small town like that would have 4 major supermarkets servicing the area. btw, we get stares wherever we go.
buffet breakfast was satisfying the next morning and we were woken up with a lot of bugs @ our bathroom. Yes. and I meant a lot! due to the weather. and when we step out, grasshoppers, big or small, were everywhere.

nothing else to do, decided to head back Sydney for another nice 6 hours of drive. stopped at Wellington to take some photos, Orange to collect some brochures and Bathurst for some rain. Until I struck up a brilliant idea, to search our GPS system for Denise's Road, Street, Avenue etc. Found it and it near Blue Mountains. Good stuff. Under the instructions from "Alice", we found it. WooHoo!
reach Sydney at around 5+, and decided to go for dinner at Cantina after much persuasion. Didnt regret the choice. turn out to be really good and for a tapas experience. Of course, I belive the meal was made better because Denise knew the duty manager at that time. LO-mi. Sorry. I meant Romy. hehe.
nice filling valentines day menu. went back and did the "Happy Dolly" cake for Denise. Received some pretty good comments from the birthday girl. =).
Glad we had a good time celebrating your special day and also trying out many many new experiences!
Labels: Holidays, Personal